< PreviousDOWNLOAD THE FILE24 RUE JEAN GOUJON75008 PARISwww.sagard.comSAGARDAREAS OF EXPERTISEPRI SIGNATORY: NOESG DUE DILIGENCES DURING THE INVESTMENT PROCESSESG SUPPORT TO PORTFOLIO COMPANIESESG VENDOR DUE DILIGENCESQUALITATIVE DESCRIPTION OF THE ESG STRATEGY Sagard is prohibited from investing in certain business segments in accordance with the investment policy defined with its investors. In the acquisition phase, Sagard uses an ESG expert to determine whether ESG due diligence should be performed pre or post acquisition due diligence. ESG due diligence must cover four main objectives: Assessment of the ESG context specific to the sector in which the target company operates; Identification of priority ESG issues specific to the target company; Evaluating the company’s ESG performance on each of the priority issues; The construction of an action plan to be implemented post-acquisition. Sagard supports its investments by ensuring an annual follow-up of the action plan identified in consultation with the management during the acquisition phase and so monitors how it is being implemented. Sagard conducts an ESG VDD, when relevant, in order to document ESG issues, initiatives and progress with the following objectives: Highlight the initiatives put in place to manage material ESG issues; Promote the commitment of management and the process of continuous improvement. Environmental, human resources management and governance commitments are integrated into all internal and external initiatives undertaken by Sagard. Sagard considers ESG issues throughout the investment cycle to contribute to value creation for each of its holdings and to encourage them to act in an economically, environmentally and socially responsible manner. Capital development Mid MarketESG TEAMMariane LE BOURDIEC General Secretary.Jocelyn LEFEBVREPresident.© PHOTOS : DRASSETS UNDER MANAGEMENT€1,5BnCLIMATE Sagard joined the 2020 Climate Initiative (IC20) in 2017.Contact: mariane.lebourdiec@sagard.com / Phone : +33 (0)1 53 83 30 00CFNEWS DIGITAL PUBLICATIONSDOWNLOAD THE FILESWEN CAPITALPARTNERSAREAS OF EXPERTISE22, RUE VERNIER75017 PARISwww.swen-cp.frPRI SIGNATORY: YES (2008)ESG DUE DILIGENCES DURING THE INVESTMENT PROCESS AND VDDESG SUPPORT TO PORTFOLIO COMPANIESQUALITATIVE DESCRIPTION OF THE ESG STRATEGY SWEN CP systematically performs an ESG and climate analysis of each GP’s investment strategy and of the underlying portfolio companies. SWEN CP systematically carries out an ESG assessment for direct co-investment opportunities and initiates a dialogue with its co-investment partners on key priorities and ESG implementation plans. As a co-investor, SWEN CP strongly encourages its investment partners to conduct ESG Vendor Due Diligences. The team evaluates the ESG performance of management companies and of their underlying investments through an annual ESG survey. SWEN CP has put in place an ESG controversy monitoring tool to follow its most significant investments. Interviews are carried out on a regular basis with GPs in order to monitor and discuss their ESG practices as well as the key ESG priorities in their portfolio companies. SWEN CP publishes an extensive annual ESG report for all its funds SWEN CP has implemented an ESG Charter as well as a Responsible Investment Policy. SWEN CP collects ESG data through an annual survey to evaluate and monitor the ESG profile of its GPs and their underlying investments. SWEN CP has been holding the “ESG Best Practices Honours” event each year since 2013 in order to promote ESG and responsible investment practices. In 2018, the main theme was dedicated to the “ESG acceleration and climate change”. Each year SWEN CP conducts two studies on the integration of ESG criteria in the private equity and infrastructure asset classes. Contact: icombarel@swen-cp.fr Phone: +33 (0)1 40 68 17 17Contact: rserre-lapergue@swen-cp.fr Private equity Private debt Infrastructure Primary investment Secondary transactions Direct Co-investmentsESG TEAMIsabelle COMBAREL Managing Director, Head of Business Development and of ESG.Renaud SERRE-LAPERGUE Analyst / ESG & Reporting.© PHOTOS : DRREAD THE ESG POLICYREAD THE ESG CHARTERASSETS UNDER MANAGEMENT€4.4BnREAD THE 2017 EDITION CLIMATE In 2016 SWEN CP signed the “Initiative Climat 2020” and has started to measure the carbon footprint of its funds. In 2017, SWEN CP defined its Climate Strategy. Among the stated commitments, for each new fund, SWEN CP pledges to allocate a fraction of its resources to «green assets». SWEN CP also benefits from the support of an independent climate expert within its investment advisory committee.TÉLÉCHARGEZLA FICHENEWS DIGITAL PUBLICATIONSCFNEWS DIGITAL PUBLICATIONSDOWNLOAD THE FILEESG TEAMTIKEHAU CAPITALAREAS OF EXPERTISE32 RUE DE MONCEAU75008 PARISwww.tikehaucapital.comPRI SIGNATORY: YES (2014)ESG DUE DILIGENCES DURING THE INVESTMENT STAGEESG SUPPORT TO PORTFOLIO COMPANIESQUALITATIVE DESCRIPTION OF THE ESG STRATEGY The teams refer to geographic or sector-based exclusion criteria that apply to all activities. Each investment is subject to an ESG analysis that is documented in a file submitted to the investment committee and used in the same way as financial data in order to inform investment decisions. Investments in companies that may incur ethical risks owing to their business sectors or their domicile are subject to the approval of the ESG Committee, based on a case-by-case study. During the investment period, Tikehau Capital strives to improve the ESG performance of companies it has invested in, and to participate in their governing bodies whenever possible. Portfolio companies are subject to an annual analysis comprising sixteen ESG criteria. Where applicable, complementary ESG criteria may be specifically selected from a matrix of indicators if this is relevant. Tikehau Capital’s teams are convinced that corporate governance is an essential factor in its performance and its risk management. Hence, the analysis of management quality and of transparent rules organising power and checks and balances plays a key role in all our teams’ investment, decisions alongside others ESG dimensions. All levels of the Group’s hierarchy are involved in the responsible investment process. An ESG Committee has been set up to steer, oversee and integrate the ESG strategy throughout the organisation. This ESG Committee is made up of different senior representatives of the organisation. Within each operating team, key individuals work with the Group ESG/CSR Manager and act as representatives to promote the integration of ESG criteria in their investment business line. Private debt Real estate Private equity Liquid strategies (bond management/ diversified management and equities)ASSETS UNDER MANAGEMENT€14.2Bn on 31/03/2018Contact : lvillepelet@tikehaucapital.com Phone: +33 (0)1 40 06 26 24Contact : grenard@tikehaucapital.com Phone: +33 (0)1 53 59 05 00Contact: bdp@tikehauim.com Phone: +65 6718 2102Laure VILLEPELET Manager ESG/CSRGeoffroy RENARDGeneral Counsel, Tikehau Capital.Bruno DE PAMPELONNE Chairman, Tikehau IM.© PHOTOS : DRTÉLÉCHARGEZLA FICHENEWS DIGITAL PUBLICATIONSNext >