< PreviousTÉLÉCHARGEZLA FICHECFNEWS DIGITAL PUBLICATIONSÉQUIPE ESGTIKEHAU CAPITALEXPERTISES32 RUE DE MONCEAU75008 PARISwww.tikehaucapital.comSIGNATAIRE DES PRI : OUI (2014)DUE DILIGENCES ESG LORS DE LA PHASE D’INVESTISSEMENTACCOMPAGNEMENT ESG DES PARTICIPATIONSDESCRIPTION QUALITATIVE DE LA STRATÉGIE ESG Les équipes se réfèrent à des critères d’exclusions géographiques ou sectorielles qui s’appliquent à toutes les activités. Chaque investissement fait l’objet d’une analyse ESG qui est documentée dans un dossier soumis au comité d’investissement et exploitée au même titre que les données financières afin d’éclairer la décision d’investissement. Les investissements dans des entreprises pouvant présenter des risques éthiques en raison de leur secteur d’activité ou de leur domiciliation sont soumis à l’approbation du Comité ESG selon une étude au cas par cas. Pendant la période d’investissement, Tikehau Capital cherche à améliorer les performances ESG des entreprises et à participer à leurs organes de gouvernance lorsque cela est possible. Les investissements font l’objet d’une analyse annuelle comprenant seize critères ESG. Le cas échéant, des critères ESG complémentaires peuvent être spécifiquement sélectionnés parmi une grille d’indicateurs si cette démarche se révèle pertinente. Les équipes de Tikehau Capital sont convaincues que la gouvernance des entreprises est un facteur essentiel de leur performance et de leur maîtrise des risques. En conséquence, l’analyse de la qualité du management et l’existence d’une gouvernance équilibrée tient une place clé dans toutes les décisions d’investissement aux côtés des autres dimensions ESG. Tous les niveaux hiérarchiques du Groupe sont impliqués dans la démarche d’investisseur responsable. Un Comité ESG a été constitué afin de piloter, animer et intégrer la stratégie ESG à tous les niveaux de l’organisation. Ce Comité ESG est composé de différents représentants seniors de l’organisation. Au sein de chaque équipe opérationnelle, des personnes référentes travaillent avec le Responsable ESG/RSE du Groupe et servent de relais pour promouvoir l’intégration des critères ESG dans leur métier d’investisseur. Dette privée Immobilier Investissement en capital Stratégies liquides (gestion obligataire/diversifiée et actions)ACTIFS SOUS GESTION14,2 Md€ au 31/03/2018Contact : lvillepelet@tikehaucapital.com Tél. : +33 (0)1 40 06 26 24Contact : grenard@tikehaucapital.com Tél. : +33 (0)1 53 59 05 00Contact : bdp@tikehauim.com Tél. : +65 6718 2102Laure VILLEPELET Responsable ESG/RSEGeoffroy RENARDSecrétaire Général, Tikehau Capital.Bruno DE PAMPELONNE Président, Tikehau IM.© PHOTOS : DRLIRE LA CHARTE ESGNEWS DIGITAL PUBLICATIONSTHE FIRST ESG DIRECTORYIN PRIVATE EQUITY20182019DOWNLOAD THE FILEACTIVA CAPITAL203, RUE DU FBG SAINT-HONORÉ75008 PARISwww.activacapital.comAREAS OF EXPERTISEPRI SIGNATORY: YES (2010)ESG DUE DILIGENCES DURING THE INVESTMENT PROCESS AND VDDCLIMATEQUALITATIVE DESCRIPTION OF THE ESG STRATEGY During the investment analysis stage, Activa Capital carries out an internal ESG note reviewed by the Investment Committee for every deal opportunity. This pre-investment analysis enables the team to budget and define the scope of the ESG Due Diligence, whether made internally or by external consultants. Since 2016, from the information provided by the ESG Due Diligence and the ESG review, Activa Capital and the portfolio companies’ management shape the action plan that will be implemented during the holding period. This plan is monitored on a monthly basis and thoroughly reviewed on supervisory boards. The annual ESG reporting and KPIs are audited to assess progress within the companies. Since 2017, all the forthcoming VDDs include an ESG note about the actions and improvements on ESG topics during the holding period. In 2016, Activa Capital joined the IC20 (« Initiative Carbone 2020 »), which implies that the company carries out an annual reporting on carbon impact and environmental risks within portfolio companies. Activa Capital contributes to the IC20 workshop on Sensitization & Training and leads the workshop in charge of building a simplified methodology for carbon footprint analysis. In 2017, Activa Capital signed the « Decarbonise Europe Manifesto » launched in the wake of the French presidential elections by The Shift Project (http://decarbonizeurope.org/). In 2010, Activa was one of the first GPs to engage in ESG in France. A carbon footprint audit was carried out on the management company, Activa Capital. In 2011, Activa Capital carried out an ESG audit of its investments and implemented an annual ESG reporting, filled in by each portfolio company from 2013 on. Since 2016, Activa has even strengthened the role of ESG in its investment process. In 2013, Activa Capital drafted and published its own ESG charter, which was updated in 2017 when the first annual ESG report on the management company and its portfolio was published. Since 2010, Activa Capital has also been an active member of France Invest’s ESG Commission, contributing to France Invest’s White Papers on ESG in French Private Equity in 2010 and 2017 and contributing to several working groups, including the working groups on ESG Communication between LPs and GPs in 2017. Since January 2017, a dedicated associate has been working to implement ESG and digital transformation (since January 2018) internally, in the Due Diligences and in the portfolio companies. LBOASSETS UNDER MANAGEMENT€500MContact: christophe.parier@activacapital.comPhone: +33 (0)1 43 12 50 12Contact: charles.delauriston@activacapital.com Phone: +33 (0)1 43 12 50 12ESG TEAMChristophe PARIERPartner, in charge of ESG.Charles DE LAURISTONAssociate - ESG & Digital Transformation© PHOTOS : DRREAD THE 2017 EDITION DOWNLOAD THE FILEAREAS OF EXPERTISE91-93, BOULEVARD PASTEUR75015 PARIShttp://actifs-reels.amundi.frPRI SIGNATORY: YES (2006) Direct investments in development capital, transmission capital, innovation capital Multi-management (funds of funds) in private equity (buyouts), infrastructure, private debt, real estateAMUNDI PRIVATE EQUITY FUNDSContact: sophie.bradley-cook@amundi.com Phone: +33 (0)1 76 33 18 57 ESG TEAMStanislas CUNY Director Private Equity Direct Funds.Guy LODEWYCKXDirector Private Markets Funds of Funds.© PHOTO : DRESG DUE DILIGENCES DURING THE INVESTMENT PROCESSESG SUPPORT TO PORTFOLIO COMPANIESQUALITATIVE DESCRIPTION OF THE ESG STRATEGY For multi-management and investments in private equity funds, Amundi PEF undertakes to collate, analyze and encourage consideration of ESG criteria in the investment policy of the selected funds. For direct investments included in ESG funds, after closing, Amundi’s ESG analysis team implements monitoring of the investments throughout the holding period of such investments. An ESG action plan and annual monitoring is put in place with respect to any material ESG challenges that the company may face. Amundi PEF undertakes to give consideration to sustainable development when conducting its business operations and to apply corporate social responsibility (CSR). Amundi PEF undertakes to comply with the Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) policy of the Amundi group. Amundi PEF has signed the Investment Capital Charter of France Invest (French association of investors for growth) and participates in existing working groups, in particular France Invest’s ESG committee. In 2016, Amundi PEF updated its ESG charter and its questionnaires. In its quality of minority investor (for direct investments) or as multi-manager in private equity funds, Amundi PEF does not carry out vendor due diligence. ESG VENDOR DUE DILIGENCES With respect to direct investments in enterprises and corporates, Amundi PEF: applies Amundi’s exclusion policy for all its funds; integrates a specific ESG analysis in its investment process for the funds that are subject to ESG management constraints; each investment is subject to ESG due diligence as performed by Amundi’s ESG analysis team. With respect to multi-management and investments in private equity funds, Amundi PEF’s due diligence process entails assessing the integration of ESG criteria by the selected funds by means of a questionnaire.ASSETS UNDER MANAGEMENT€6,28BnReal and Alternative assetsIlliquidity premium: our European specialists have more to o er.For Professional Investors only. INVESTORS MAY NOT GET BACK THE ORIGINAL AMOUNT INVESTED AND MAY LOSE ALL OF THEIR INVESTMENT.(1) Amundi scope - No. 1 Continental European asset manager based on global assets under management (AUM) and the main headquarters being based in continental Europe - Source IPE “Top 400 asset managers” published in June 2017 and based on AUM as at December 2016. (2) Source: Amundi - as of 31 March 2018. This material is not deemed to be communicated to, or used by, any person from any jurisdiction which laws or regulations would prohibit such communication or use. This material is for the attention of professional investors (as defined in Directive 2004/39/EC or in each local regulations). This material is provided for information purposes only and does not constitute a recommendation, a solicitation, an o er, an advice or an invitation to purchase or sell any security or fund. In no event may this material be distributed in the European Union to non “Professional” investors as defined in the MIFID or in each local regulation, or in Switzerland to investors who do not comply with the definition of “qualified investors” as defined in the applicable legislation and regulation. This document neither constitutes an o er to buy nor a solicitation to sell a product, and shall not be considered as an unlawful solicitation or an investment advice. Amundi Asset Management accepts no liability whatsoever, whether direct or indirect, that may arise from the use of information contained in this material. Amundi Asset Management can in no way be held responsible for any decision or investment made on the basis of information contained in this material. The information contained in this document is deemed accurate as at 31 December 2017. Data and opinions may be changed without notice. Amundi Asset Management, French “société par actions simplifiée”, SASwith capital of €1,086,262,605 - Portfolio Management Company approved by the AMF under number GP04000036 - Registered o ce: 90 boulevard Pasteur - 75015 Paris - France - 437 574 452 RCS Paris - www.amundi.com. March 2018.|With its dedicated platform, Amundio ers more than uncorrelated returnin the long term. We give access to the best of the European real economy in a sustainable and innovative way: €41,6 billion under management(2) 1,200 assets in 11 European countries(2) Real Estate, Private Equity, Private Debt, Energy InfrastructureLearn more: visit real-assets.amundi.comor e-mail contact-realassets@amundi.comAsset Manager No.1 in Europe(1)DOWNLOAD THE FILEANTIN INFRASTRUCTURE PARTNERSAREAS OF EXPERTISE 374, RUE SAINT-HONORÉ75001 PARISwww.antin-ip.com InfrastructureESG DUE DILIGENCES DURING THE INVESTMENT PROCESSESG SUPPORT TO PORTFOLIO COMPANIESQUALITATIVE DESCRIPTION OF THE ESG STRATEGY During the advanced study phase of acquisition, Antin’s ESG team performs an ESG due diligence of all target companies to identify specific business risks and opportunities, outstanding liabilities and compliance obligations associated with key ESG issues. ESG due diligence results are documented, shared with Deal teams and presented at Investment Committee meetings Post-closing, an in-depth ESG review of portfolio companies is conducted by Antin’s ESG team, in close collaboration with Deal teams. The results of that ESG review are used to highlight areas of progress and establish an ESG performance improvement action plan for portfolio companies. Progress towards implementing this plan is monitored by Deal teams throughout the holding period during regular Board meetings and on-site ESG reviews. Antin also established ESG KPIs for all of its portfolio companies which are tracked and monitored quarterly by Deal teams as well as during Portfolio Review Committee meetings. Antin’s ESG strategy is built around five main objectives: Managing ESG risks and pursuing value creation opportunities throughout the investment cycle; Engaging with portfolio companies and helping them improve their ESG performance; Measuring and monitoring the ESG performance of portfolio companies; Reporting regularly to investors on ESG progress achieved by portfolio companies; Collaborating with industry peers to inform, develop and promote the widespread adoption of responsible investment strategies. During the exit phase, Antin incorporates ESG information into vendor information packages to demonstrate business value created through ESG to prospective buyers. ESG VENDOR DUE DILIGENCES CLIMATE In May 2018, Antin joined the Initiative Climate 2020 (IC20), the world’s first private equity-focused initiative on climate change. Alex KESSELER Performance Improvement Principal. Felix HEONESG Associate.Contact: alex.kesseler@antin-ip.com Phone : +33 (0)1 70 08 13 47 Contact: felix.heon@antin-ip.com Phone : +33 (0)1 70 08 13 05© PHOTOS : DRBEST PRACTICE HONOURS AWARD - INFRASTRUCTURE: 2015, 2014In 2018, Antin achieved a score of “A” in all modules of the UN PRI Assessment Report which demonstrates the firm’s strong commitment to responsible investment.PRI SIGNATORY: YES (2009)ESG TEAMASSETS UNDER MANAGEMENT€7,4BnNext >