< PreviousCFNEWS DIGITAL PUBLICATIONSDOWNLOAD THE FILEAREAS OF EXPERTISE20, PLACE VENDÔME75001 PARISwww.ardian.comPRI SIGNATORY: YES (2009)Funds of Funds Private Debt Infrastructure Expansion Buyout Co-InvestmentGrowth Real Estate MandatesARDIANESG DUE DILIGENCES DURING THE INVESTMENT PROCESS AND VDDESG SUPPORT TO PORTFOLIO COMPANIESQUALITATIVE DESCRIPTION OF THE ESG STRATEGYThe Buyout, Expansion and Infrastructure portfolio companies benefit from a yearly ESG review led by external consultants. This translated into an annual progress review and a detailed action plan to help improve the ESG performance of each portfolio company/ asset.BEST PRACTICE HONOURS AWARD: 2017, 2016, 2014Contact: candice.brenet@ardian.com - Contact: april.tissier@ardian.comContact: tamara.krzisch@ardian.com - Phone: +33 (0)1 41 71 92 00ESG TEAMInvestment teams systematically carry out an ESG analysis for each new investment opportunity, with the support of the Corporate & Investment Responsibility team and external consultants when relevant.When exiting a company, Ardian may proceed to an ESG vendor due diligence (VDD). Example of a VDD carried out by an external consultant in 2017: TrescalASSETS UNDER MANAGEMENT€60Bn© PHOTOS : DRCLIMATEArdian is one of the founding members of the Initiative Climate 2020 (IC20), which was launched in November 2015. This initiative involves a systemic climate analysis of each portfolio company in ESG reviews.Ardian calculated its carbon footprint at company level, taking into account both direct and indirect emissions (scope 1, 2 and 3) for the years 2013, 2014 and 2015.READ THE 2017 EDITION Ardian drafted its Responsible Investor Charter in 2009 and published its Responsible Investment Policy in 2016.Since 2009, Ardian annually carries out in-depth ESG analysis of its main LBO funds’ and infrastructure fund’s portfolio companies/ assets.Ardian has set up a profit-sharing scheme consisting of the payment of bonuses to the employees of sold companies. Since 2008, Ardian has distributed 30 million euros of capital gain on exits to 12 300 employees from 22companies.Ardian carries out extensive analysis on the link between financial performance and the implementation of extra-financial policies in its portfolio companies.In 2017, Ardian mapped all recent investments according to United Nations Sustainable Development Goals to better measure portfolio companies and assets impact on society at largeTamara KRZISCH Analyst- Corporate and Invest-ment Responsibility.Candice BRENET Head of Corporate & Investment Responsibility, President of France Invest ESG Commission, and member of the Private Equity Advisory Committee of UN-PRI.April TISSIER Corporate & Investment Res-ponsibility Manager, member of the Private Equity Advisory Committee of UN-PRI.READ THE 2017 ESG REPORTTÉLÉCHARGEZLA FICHENEWS DIGITAL PUBLICATIONSDOWNLOAD THE FILEAREAS OF EXPERTISEPRI SIGNATORY: YES (2011) Mid-Cap LBO’s Capital growth Mid-CapsESG DUE DILIGENCES DURING THE INVESTMENT PROCESS AND VDDESG SUPPORT TO PORTFOLIO COMPANIESQUALITATIVE DESCRIPTION OF THE ESG STRATEGYCLIMATE As soon as we enter the capital of a company, a complete CSR diagnosis, together with an action plan, is carried out on the company’s strategic core businesses. Companies benefit from this introduction to the CSR approach and use it build their positioning, innovation strategy and even their development model. Great importance is attributed to the quality of social linkages, the meaning of work, its interconnected and flexible nature, and how it corresponds with the company’s core values. In 2017, Azulis Capital carried out carbon footprint evaluation all of its affiliated companies, and launched greenhouse gas emission reduction plans. During the corporate investment and holding phase, Azulis Capital is committed to raising the management teams’ awareness of climate issues, analysing the relevance of its carbon impact, calculating the carbon footprint and assessing the risks associated with climate change. And then defining an action plan to reduce these emissions. Azulis Capital encourages management to integrate a CSR structuring approach at the very core of its strategic thinking, and over the long term. It also helps them to deploy their development projects in line with their social and environmental responsibilities. CSR brings meaning, commitment and creativity into the service of economic welfare, and also the quality of the social bond developed within the company and connecting it with its external stakeholders. Azulis Capital has set up extra-financial indicators, which meet the criteria of the global reporting initiative and France Invest, in order to standardise Private Equity’s CSR approach and adopt recognised standards. The management company is actively involved in the work of France Invest’s ESG Committee and publishes an annual ESG report every year. For ten years, Azulis Capital has accompanied and supported ADIE, the French micro-credit association that supports excluded persons, with no access to bank credit, in financing and founding their own businesses. Following COP 21 and France’s new law on energy transition for green growth (Article 173 of the French Law on Energy Transition), Azulis Capital signed up to the IC20 Carbon Initiative 2020 on January 2016. Azulis Capital systematically performs streamlined ESG due diligence procedures at the time of investment. It incorporates an ESG clause in its shareholder agreements, committing the company, with the support of its shareholders, to make progress in the realm of ESG, and evaluate the impact of its CSR initiatives. When the shareholding is sold, Azulis Capital integrates the progress made by the company in the ESG field into the Vendor Due Diligence, where it has had an impact on development and sustainability, waste recycling, product or and eco-design, and so forth. The annual CSR report published by the company is its finest ambassador.ESG TEAMASSETS UNDER MANAGEMENT€450BnAZULIS CAPITAL24 RUE ROYALE75008 PARISwww.azuliscapital.frContact: yann.collignon@azuliscapital.fr Phone: +33 (0)1 42 98 70 24Contact: donatien.noyelle@azuliscapital.fr Phone: +33 (0)1 42 98 70 34LAUREATE for BEST PRACTICE HONOURS: 2017Yann COLLIGNONPartner in chargeof CSR.Donatien NOYELLE CFO.© PHOTOS : DRCFNEWS DIGITAL PUBLICATIONSDOWNLOAD THE FILEBNP PARIBAS ASSET MANAGEMENTAREAS OF EXPERTISE14 RUE BERGÈRE 75009 PARIS www.bnpparibas-am.comPRI SIGNATORY: YES (2006)Contact: helena.vinesfiestas@bnpparibas.com Contact: david.bouchoucha@bnpparibas.com commercial real estate debt, corporate lending, infrastructure debt structured financeHelena VINES FIESTAS Head of Sustainability Research & Policy. David BOUCHOUCHA Head of the Private Debt & Real Assets Group. © PHOTOS : DRESG DUE DILIGENCES DURING THE INVESTMENT PROCESS AND VDDESG SUPPORT TO PORTFOLIO COMPANIESQUALITATIVE DESCRIPTION OF THE ESG STRATEGYCLIMATE The inclusion of ESG factors is done from multiple angles, in particular the improvement of project owners’ ESG practices (or borrowers, sponsors), thanks to meaningful discussions with project stakeholders throughout the life-cycle of our financing, as well as an annual ESG performance review of the underlying projects done as part of investment monitoring. BNPP AM has been involved in responsible investment since 2002 and has implemented its own responsible investor policy. We apply ESG criteria based on the UNPRI to all our mutual investments as well as the sectoral policies defined with BNP Paribas Group to regulate or ban investment in issuers operating in so-called controversial sectors. Our proprietary SRI strategies are based on the ESG expertise within our Sustainability Centre which aims to develop best market practices, the use of a proprietary methodology able to measure the environmental impact of assets being financed, and thereby insert this value into the heart of the investment strategy. BNPP AM’s investment strategy to fight climate change is based on 3 pillars: ESG criteria are systematically incorporated into the investment process of our private debt solutions. An initial ESG filter is applied, followed by an in-depth analysis. The definition and implementation of a specific taxonomy for each asset class makes it possible to refine the ESG analysis and identify the energy and environmental contribution or impact of each sub-sector from a qualitative perspective. The asset managerfor a changingworldThe value of investments and the income they generate may go down as well as up and it is possible that investors will not recover their initial investment. Past performance is not a guide to future performance. BNP PARIBAS ASSET MANAGEMENT France, “the investment management company,” is a simplified joint stock company with its registered office at 1 boulevard Haussmann 75009 Paris, France, RCS Paris 319 378 832, registered with the “Autorité des marchés financiers” under number GP 96002. www.bnpparibas-am.com. This advertisement is issued by the investment management company. Investors considering subscribing for the financial instruments should read the most recent prospectus or Key Investor Information Document (KIID) available on the website. Opinions included in this advertisement constitute the judgement of the investment management company at the time specified and may be subject to change without notice.SUSTAINABLE AND RESPONSIBLE INVESTMENTBNP Paribas Asset Management selects companies with responsible business practices. This means your investments benefit the common good. Invest for a better world.www.bnpparibas-am.comIN A CHANGING WORLD,INVESTING IS ALSO FOR FUTURE GENERATIONS.(*) amount relating to the BNPP AM Private Debt & Real Assets Group, as of 31 December 2017ESG TEAMASSETS UNDER MANAGEMENT€7,5Bn*The allocation of our capital in a way that is more compatible with the goal of keeping temperature rises under 2°C. We identify, measure and reduce our exposure to the risk of climate change and develop a product offering that allows our customers to contribute, through their investment, to the energy transition.Responsible investors: we endeavour, through the exercise of our voting rights at shareholders’ meetings, to influence, through dialogue, the environmental and climate practices of the companies with companies in order to improve their practices.Transparency: we publicise our progress and our commitments and calculate the carbon footprint of 94% of the assets of our open-end funds invested in equities. This calculation is based on the average of the scope 1 and 2 emissions of each issuer weighted by their stock market capitalization and by the weighting of each security in the portfolio or benchmark. TÉLÉCHARGEZLA FICHECFNEWS DIGITAL PUBLICATIONSThe asset managerfor a changingworldThe value of investments and the income they generate may go down as well as up and it is possible that investors will not recover their initial investment. Past performance is not a guide to future performance. BNP PARIBAS ASSET MANAGEMENT France, “the investment management company,” is a simplified joint stock company with its registered office at 1 boulevard Haussmann 75009 Paris, France, RCS Paris 319 378 832, registered with the “Autorité des marchés financiers” under number GP 96002. www.bnpparibas-am.com. This advertisement is issued by the investment management company. Investors considering subscribing for the financial instruments should read the most recent prospectus or Key Investor Information Document (KIID) available on the website. Opinions included in this advertisement constitute the judgement of the investment management company at the time specified and may be subject to change without notice.SUSTAINABLE AND RESPONSIBLE INVESTMENTBNP Paribas Asset Management selects companies with responsible business practices. This means your investments benefit the common good. Invest for a better world.www.bnpparibas-am.comIN A CHANGING WORLD,INVESTING IS ALSO FOR FUTURE GENERATIONS.DOWNLOAD THE FILEAREAS OF EXPERTISE103, RUE DE GRENELLE75007 PARISwww.capzanine.comPRI SIGNATORY: YES (2011) Growth Capital LBO Mezzanine Corporate debt UnitrancheASSETS UNDER MANAGEMENT€2.5BnCAPZANINEContact: bdetissot@capzanine.comPhone: +33 (0)1 42 60 28 59Contact: fbernez@capzanine.comPhone: +33 (0)1 84 86 16 57Contact: jmfiamma@capzanine.comPhone: +33 (0)1 84 86 16 58ESG TEAMESG DUE DILIGENCES DURING INVESTMENT PROCESSESG SUPPORT TO PORTFOLIO COMPANIESQUALITATIVE DESCRIPTION OF THE ESG STRATEGY In 2015, Capzanine set up a collection of extra-financial KPIs with its portfolio companies (Fund Capzanine 3). Capzanine discusses the ESG stakes with the management of its portfolio companies. The team accompanies the companies in which the group is lead financial investor in the implementation of a support program dedicated to the improvement of their extra-financial performances. This program deals with a structured and responsible governance, but also with the company’s human resources and with the reduction of the environmental impact. Capzanine raises awareness of ESG issues throughout its team thanks to ESG committees led by Sirsa. The management company places a high priority on ESG criteria when it comes to investment decisions. The management company has included ESG criteria in its investment guidelines. ESG criteria are integrated in legal documents and in the processes of data collection from its portfolio companies. When Capzanine exits one of its portfolio companies, it may use an ESG vendor due diligence. ESG VENDOR DUE DILIGENCES Capzanine does not invest in companies that do not comply with its ESG policyJean-Marc FIAMMA Partner.Fabien BERNEZ Partner.Bénédicte de TISSOT General Secretary.© PHOTOS : DR€2.5Bn of which €345M are managed by a third party and advised by Artemid SAS. Data as of 03/31/2018READ THE 2017 EDITION CFNEWS DIGITAL PUBLICATIONSDOWNLOAD THE FILEESG TEAMEURAZEO AREAS OF EXPERTISE1, RUE GEORGES BERGER75017 PARISwww.eurazeo.comPRI SIGNATORY: YES (2011)Contact: rse@eurazeo.com Phone: +33 (0)1 44 15 76 24 Buyout Growth Capital Real Assets Venture Capital Private DebtASSETS UNDER MANAGEMENTSophie FLAK Director of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Digital.Noëlla DE BERMINGHAMCSR Manager.© PHOTOS : DRESG DUE DILIGENCES DURING THE INVESTMENT AND DIVESTMENT PROCESSESESG SUPPORT TO PORTFOLIO COMPANIESCLIMATEQUALITATIVE DESCRIPTION OF THE ESG STRATEGY Eurazeo aims to integrate a CSR section into 100% of due diligences in advanced study phase conducted on acquisitions by 2020. This commitment was achieved in 2017. At the divestment phase, Eurazeo incorporates CSR information in order to measure the progress made by the company since its acquisition. Eurazeo has laid down a CSR roadmap made available to all of its investments. Its aim is to see it deployed by all of them by 2020. The organization of acceleration programs and workshops, and the regular monitoring of performance indicators, are some examples of initiatives that Eurazeo undertakes to support its investments. In partnership with four other private equity companies, Eurazeo launched in 2015 « Initiative Climate 2020 » (or IC20), the first collective commitment by the French private equity industry in favor of fighting climate change. Since 2017, Eurazeo carries out a carbon footprint measurement of its entire portfolio (Scopes 1, 2 and 3). In 2008, Eurazeo carries out an initial environmental assessment of the entire portfolio. In 2011, Eurazeo implements a CSR reporting and becomes a signatory of the Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI). In 2014, Eurazeo defines its CSR strategy incorporating quantified targets for 2020. To achieve the objectives, the strategy is declined in four pillars, the third part being a CSR roadmap distributed to investments. Since 2015, Eurazeo measures CSR avoided impacts by its investments. Over these seven last years, companies avoided the equivalent of 800,000 tons of CO2, more than 7 million cubic meters of water, nearly 2,200 GWh of energy and 436,000 hours of absence. In 2018, Eurazeo’s presence within the indices Ethibel Sustainability Index (ESI) Excellence Europe, Euronext Vigeo Europe 120, Euronext Vigeo France 20, Euronext Vigeo World 120, MSCI World ESG Leaders, MSCI World Low Carbon Leaders, FTSE4Good Global & Europe et Stoxx Global ESG Leaders was confirmed.UNITED NATIONS GLOBAL COMPACT: “ADVANCED” LEVEL€16BnREAD THE 2017 EDITION PRIVATE EQUITY MAGAZINE ESG AWARD: 2016 and 2018 including €10 billion from third partiesTÉLÉCHARGEZLA FICHENEWS DIGITAL PUBLICATIONSNext >