< PreviousCFNEWS DIGITAL PUBLICATIONS - ANNUAIRE ESG 2021/2022 DOWNLOAD THE FILE Annual ESG reporting campaign offered to all portfolio companies in order to assess ESG issues, identify and promote best practices already in place and define ways to improve their extra-financial performance. Exchanges with management on CSR issues within the governance bodies at least once a year. IDIA CAPITAL INVESTISSEMENT AREAS OF EXPERTISE 12 PLACE DES ÉTATS-UNIS 92127 MONTROUGE CEDEX www.ca-idia.com PRI SIGNATORY: YES Growth Capital Buyout Capital Reclassification of Shares €1.8Bn ESG TEAM ASSETS UNDER MANAGEMENT Contact: benedicte.daligny@ca-idia.com Phone: +33 (0)1 43 23 79 99 or +33 (0)6 03 07 55 61 Bénédicte d’ALIGNY Business Management and ESG. © PHOTOS : DR ESG DUE DILIGENCES DURING THE INVESTMENT PROCESS ESG SUPPORT TO PORTFOLIO COMPANIES QUALITATIVE DESCRIPTION OF THE ESG STRATEGY An ESG matrix to evaluate the target company’s level of maturity and commitment with respect to key ESG issues is integrated into the review process for each investment file. Drafting of an annual ESG report. Inclusion of ESG criteria in the investment process and in the long-term monitoring of portfolio companies managed: ESG matrix in investment process, insertion of a CSR paragraph in shareholder agreements, annual ESG reporting campaign offered to all portfolio companies. Involvement of IDIA CI’s teams in helping portfolio companies take actions to address their CSR issues in order to improve their extra-financial performance. Launch in 2019 of the “CA Transitions” fund, the first proprietary investment fund dedicated to energy, agriculture and agri-food transitions (agri-food companies in transition to more sustainable ways of production, energy transition companies, and younger companies offering innovative solutions to accelerate the transition of the agricultural and agri-food sectors) and partly certified by the Greenfin label. Launch in 2021 of the “Développement Filière Bois” fund dedicated to small and medium companies in the entire value chain of the “Wood” sector and certified by the Greenfin and Relance labels. ESG VENDOR DUE DILIGENCES IDIA CI does not use ESG vendor due diligence. as of 12/31/2020 READ THE 2020/2021 EDITION CFNEWS DIGITAL PUBLICATIONS - ANNUAIRE ESG 2021/2022TÉLÉCHARGEZ LA FICHE CFNEWS DIGITAL PUBLICATIONS - ANNUAIRE ESG 2021/2022 ESG DUE DILIGENCES DURING INVESTMENT PROCESS ESG SUPPORT TO PORTFOLIO COMPANIES ESG VENDOR DUE DILIGENCES QUALITATIVE DESCRIPTION OF THE ESG STRATEGY In 2020, with the launch of a new strategy « Tomorrow Private Equity Fund », focused on French and European medium-sized companies integrating the environmental transition and the SDGs in the evolution of their business model, the company has strengthened its ESG approach for all its activities. The company systematically conducts an ESG assessment of its targets during the investment phase, adapted to their activity and characteristics. For Tomorrow’s targets, this assessment is more advanced on environmental aspects. Initiative & Finance accompanies its portfolio companies in their continuous improvement process, by regularly exchanging on ESG assessments and monitoring of indicators. To further its Responsible Investor approach, Initiative & Finance has selected specific themes which are climate change, training, youth integration as well as gender diversity and equality, to which it wishes to pay particular attention. In addition, our fund « Tomorrow » has dedicated resources to support the transformation process of portfolio companies, providing them especially with expertise, methodological support and an exhaustive set of non-financial indicators. On a case-by-case basis Initiative & Finance’s values are based on loyalty, simplicity, conviction and the collective. The company is a signatory of the France Invest charters. It is also one of the first signatories of the France Invest Charter for Gender Equality. Similarly, Initiative & Finance is a signatory of the PRI. Initiative & Finance is sensitive to ESG issues in the structuring and management of its operations. In 2020, the company updated and strengthened the charter defining the integration of ESG components in its investment policy and approach, formalized in 2015. In 2020, the company launched Tomorrow, a new strategy focused on French and European companies, actively integrating the environmental transition and the SDGs in the evolution of their business model, their organization and their production methods. A specific methodology based on an impact approach has been developed for this fund. PRI SIGNATORY: YES ESG TEAM AREAS OF EXPERTISE ASSETS UNDER MANAGEMENT €400M* READ THE 2020/2021 EDITION 20 RUE QUENTIN-BAUCHART 75008 PARIS www.initiative-finance.com INITIATIVE & FINANCE Buyouts Growth capital Small and Mid Caps (SMEs for tickets from €2m to €50m) Aline PALASI General Secretary. Arnaud MENDELSOHN Partner. Contact: ap@initiative-finance.com Phone: +33 (0)1 56 89 97 00 Contact : am@initiative-finance.com Phone: +33 (0)1 56 89 97 00 © PHOTOS : DR (*for the Small Cap strategy, excluding I&F Mid Tomorrow)CFNEWS DIGITAL PUBLICATIONS - ANNUAIRE ESG 2021/2022CFNEWS DIGITAL PUBLICATIONS - ANNUAIRE ESG 2021/2022 DOWNLOAD THE FILE ESG TEAM LBO FRANCE AREAS OF EXPERTISE Marc GUYOT Head of ESG. 148, RUE DE L’UNIVERSITÉ 75007 PARIS www.lbofrance.com PRI SIGNATORY: YES (2011) Contact: marc.guyot@lbofrance.com Phone: + 33 (0)1 40 62 77 67 Small-cap LBO Mid-Market LBO Real Estate Debt & Infra Financing Venture Capital ASSETS UNDER MANAGEMENT 3 € 1,7 Bn © PHOTO : DR ESG DUE DILIGENCES DURING THE INVESTMENT PROCESS AND VDD ESG SUPPORT TO PORTFOLIO COMPANIES QUALITATIVE DESCRIPTION OF THE ESG STRATEGY LBO France performs an ESG due diligence prior to each investment. The due diligence is specified on a case by case basis. It is conducted by the Head of ESG (an investment professional) assisted by independent consultants. Save for exceptions due to a specific context, LBO France has ESG Vendor Due Diligences conducted by independent consultants for each sale of a portfolio company. LBO France has regular working sessions with the various management teams. The multiannual action plan is monitored in an extensive dashboard which is common between LBO France and the management. In 2017, LBO France launched an operational ESG club, which allows the managers of portfolio companies to share current events, reflections, as well as good practices with the presence of experts when required. LBO France drafted an ESG charter in 2011, regularly updated, and has signed both France Invest Charter and France Invest 2020 Charter on gender equality. The ESG policy is applied in all activities. Besides its global approach, LBO France, as early as in 2015, launched a digital health venture activity based on societal contribution, and a Proptech fund with a similar purpose in 2020. In the same spirit, the company started an investment activity in Africa late 2020. All employees attend meetings during which portfolio company managers present their company and explain their CSR policy. Employees also sign the company’s code of conduct. ESG clauses are inserted in the agreements with portfolio company managers. An ESG section and ESG qualitative and quantitative data on the various portfolio companies are included in the management reports to investors. The company publishes an ESG report as of 2020. LBO France chairs France Invest ESG Commission, is a member of the Business Ethics Circle (“Cercle Ethique des Affaires”) and of the European Business Ethics Forum. LBO France is a speaker in various conferences and conventions in France and abroad. LBO France won the ESG-Sustainable Development Award at the 2017, 2018 and 2020 Private Equity Magazine Awards. CLIMATE LBO France is a founding member of the “Initiative Climat 2020” (IC20) launched in November 2015 which became “Initiative Climat Intentional” in 2019. The management company has produced its own carbon footprint assessment and monitors its action plan. In its Real Estate activity, LBO France signed the energy efficiency charter for public and private commercial buildings under the “Plan Bâtiment Durable” (sustainable building plan) in October 2016. LBO France is now setting up a fund to finance renewable energy production infrastructure (photovoltaic, wind power, waste, etc.) targeting the markets of Southern Europe, with a primary focus on Italy. LBO France has joined the Equator Principles for this activity. READ THE 2020/2021 EDITION READ THE ESG CHARTERCFNEWS DIGITAL PUBLICATIONS - ANNUAIRE ESG 2021/2022CFNEWS DIGITAL PUBLICATIONS - ANNUAIRE ESG 2021/2022 DOWNLOAD THE FILE NAXICAP PARTNERS ESG DUE DILIGENCES DURING THE INVESTMENT PROCESS AND VDD ESG SUPPORT TO PORTFOLIO COMPANIES CLIMATE QUALITATIVE DESCRIPTION OF THE ESG STRATEGY AREAS OF EXPERTISE Since 2015, the teams highlight the main ESG risks and opportunities prior to each investment. As signatory of iC International, each investment memorandum includes a dedicated climate analysis. ESG due diligences are systematically carried out by external experts and include a detailed action plan for the short and long term. An ESG clause is systematically included in the Shareholders Agreement. When signing the Shareholders Agreement, the companies commit to implement a detailed action plan, to inform regularly the Supervisory Board on their actions and to annually report on ESG indicators. Since 2017, ESG vendor due diligences are conducted for all investments where a financial vendor due diligence has been undertaken. Naxicap uses an online ESG reporting tool, Reporting 21, to annually monitor its portfolio companies on more than 140 ESG indicators. Naxicap’s teams work with the management of the portfolio companies to identify the material ESG issues and to support the development of their ESG roadmap. The ESG roadmap implemented by the companies is evaluated and approved at least once a year by the Supervisory Board. Naxicap has set up a CSR committee evaluating the portfolio companies’ progress on their ESG roadmaps, the risks and opportunities identified and the support needed. As a signatory to the iC International, Naxicap aims at progressively reduce the carbon emissions of its portfolio companies for which greenhouse gas emissions represent a material issue. Naxicap has added indicators to its annual ESG questionnaire enabling to estimate the scope 1, 2 & 3 GHG emissions of its portfolio companies. This allows to build a tailored action plan and an emission trajectory for each company. 5/7 RUE DE MONTTESSUY 75007 PARIS www.naxicap.fr PRI SIGNATORY: YES (2016) Since 2015, Naxicap has adopted a set of procedures, whose application is controlled by its Middle Office, aiming to integrate the consideration of ESG issues throughout the investment process. Naxicap organizes ESG trainings for its employees led by its ESG team and external experts. Naxicap has published its ESG policy and produces annually ESG reports for its Investors. Contact: elodie.pavot@naxicap.fr Contact: kyrrejohan.knudsen@naxicap.fr Phone: +33 (0)1 84 79 72 41 LBO mid cap Growth capital ESG TEAM Elodie PAVOT Investor Relations Senior Associate. Kyrre Johan KNUDSEN ESG Manager. © PHOTOS : DR ASSETS UNDER MANAGEMENT €3.7Bn READ THE 2020/2021 EDITION CFNEWS DIGITAL PUBLICATIONS - ANNUAIRE ESG 2021/2022 Naxicap Partners is deeply convinced by the positive impact of the sustainable growth of its portfolio companies. We consider that a long-term and ethical approach to investment is a key driver of the companies’ expansion and is generator of value. Naxicap highly values and encourages business initiatives for reducing environmental impact, improving internal processes in order to reduce operational risks and implementing actions in favor of balanced governance. We are committed to sustain responsible initiatives by working with our staff, our investors, our portfolio companies and their employees. Naxicap Partners, subsidiary of Natixis Investment Management, has € 3.7 billion of assets under management and gathers 69 professionals, spread over 5 offices: Paris, Lyon, Nantes, Toulouse and Frankfurt. We mainly operate in France, Benelux, Germany and Spain. Data as of 31/12/2020 OWN BEHALF (BPCE Group) 36% THIRD PARTIES 64% OUR INVESTORS Signatory of: Naxicap Partners is a French private equity firm, operating in all sectors, focusing on majority LBO operations with an investment horizon between 5 and 7 years. We invest in growing companies, with strong and commiĿed management, to finance ambitious development projects. Together with the management teams, we invest in a long-term business strategy based on trust and respect. www.naxicap.frCFNEWS DIGITAL PUBLICATIONS - ANNUAIRE ESG 2021/2022 DOWNLOAD THE FILE 232, RUE DE RIVOLI 75001 PARIS www.paipartners.com PRI SIGNATORY: YES (2010) Contact : cornelia.gomez@paipartners.com PAI PARTNERS Thomas CARLIER ESG Associate. Cornelia GOMEZ Head of ESG & Sustainability. Otto Kern ESG Officer. © PHOTOS : DR ESG DUE DILIGENCE DURING THE INVESTMENT PROCESS ESG SUPPORT TO PORTFOLIO COMPANIES CLIMATE QUALITATIVE DESCRIPTION OF THE ESG STRATEGY ESG VENDOR DUE DILIGENCE The ESG team systematically performs ESG-specific due diligence on all potential investments, from the very beginning of the investment process. The result is presented to the Investment Commitee in the form of an ESG memo. The analysis is produced hand-in-hand with the investment team, and external consultants when relevant. Once the investment has been made, PAI Partners conducts an ESG audit and draws up a targeted ESG action plan with the help of external consultants. PAI Partners monitors its portfolio companies through an annual ESG reporting campaign, which includes between 120 and 140 indicators. This reporting campaign, together with a close relationship with the ESG representatives in our portfolio, enables the creation of an ESG roadmap, discussed every year at Board level for each of our portfolio companies, and a specific ESG performance dashboard. PAI Partners is one of the five founders of “Initiative Carbone 2020” launched in November 2015. Every year PAI Partners assesses the carbon footprint of all its investments, taking into account direct and indirect emissions (scope 1,2 and 3), analyses the exposure of its portfolio to climate-related risks and opportunities, and builds climate roadmaps (including carbon reduction targets aligned with the Paris Agreement) for the biggest emitters in its portfolio. Since 2011, PAI meets with the sustainability managers of portfolio companies in person at least twice a year, at the PAI Sustainability Club. The 20th edition was organised in June 2019. PAI Partners has been conducting ESG portfolio reviews since 2011, and publishes a Sustainability Report for its investors every year. Since 2014, PAI Partners has a dedicated ESG team. Since 2017, PAI Partners organises once a year an «ESG Lab» during its Investor Days to share views with its investors on responsible investment. In 2021, the ESG Lab was transformed into a virtual collaborative platform, to further enhance the level of discussion with investors and the ESG ecosystem, looking at a specific topic of interest: https://esglab.paipartners.com PAI Partners provides an ESG VDD in the Data Room including an updated action plan, a progress report, and ESG documents provided by the company during the holding period. When relevant, the VDD may be performed by external consultants. READ THE ESG REPORT AREAS OF EXPERTISE LBO ESG TEAM ASSETS UNDER MANAGEMENT €14,7BnCFNEWS DIGITAL PUBLICATIONS - ANNUAIRE ESG 2021/2022Next >