< PreviousCFNEWS DIGITAL PUBLICATIONS - ANNUAIRE ESG 2021/2022 DOWNLOAD THE FILE 49 - 51 AVENUE GEORGE V 75008 PARIS www.sagard.eu SAGARD AREAS OF EXPERTISE PRI SIGNATORY: YES (2020) ESG DUE DILIGENCES DURING THE INVESTMENT PROCESS ESG SUPPORT TO PORTFOLIO COMPANIES ESG VENDOR DUE DILIGENCES QUALITATIVE DESCRIPTION OF THE ESG STRATEGY Sagard is prohibited from investing in certain business segments in accordance with the investment policy defined with its investors. In the acquisition phase, Sagard uses an ESG expert to determine whether ESG due diligence should be performed pre or post acquisition due diligence. ESG due diligence must cover four main objectives: Assessment of the ESG context specific to the sector in which the target company operates; Identification of priority ESG issues specific to the target company; Evaluating the company’s ESG performance on each of the priority issues; The construction of an action plan to be implemented post-acquisition. Sagard supports its investments by ensuring an annual follow-up of the action plan identified in consultation with the management during the acquisition phase and so monitors how it is being implemented. Sagard conducts an ESG VDD, when relevant, in order to document ESG issues, initiatives and progress with the following objectives: Highlight the initiatives put in place to manage material ESG issues; Promote the commitment of management and the process of continuous improvement. Environmental, human resources management and governance commitments are integrated into all internal and external initiatives undertaken by Sagard. Sagard considers ESG issues throughout the investment cycle to contribute to value creation for each of its holdings and to encourage them to act in an economically, environmentally and socially responsible manner. Capital development Mid Market ESG TEAM Mariane LE BOURDIEC Managing Director. Jocelyn LEFEBVRE President. © PHOTOS : DR ASSETS UNDER MANAGEMENT €1,5Bn CLIMATE Sagard joined the International Climate Initiative (iCi – formerly the 2020 Climate Initiative) in 2017. Sagard joined the Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) in July 2020. Contact: mariane.lebourdiec@sagard.com / Phone : +33 (0)1 53 83 30 00 READ THE 2020/2021 EDITION CFNEWS DIGITAL PUBLICATIONS - ANNUAIRE ESG 2021/2022CFNEWS DIGITAL PUBLICATIONS - ANNUAIRE ESG 2021/2022 DOWNLOAD THE FILE ESG DUE DILIGENCES DURING THE INVESTMENT PROCESS AND VDD ESG SUPPORT TO PORTFOLIO COMPANIES AND MANAGEMENT COMPANIES A systemic sustainability approach at the heart of all investment strategies: multi-strategy, innovation and impact. 100% of investment opportunities benefit from an ESG and climate perspective, discussed during investment committees. SWEN CP’s ESG database enables the team to track the sustainability performances of its GPs and underlying portfolio companies over time and compare them with the relevant benchmarks. SWEN CP publishes an extensive annual ESG report for all its funds. SWEN CP uses clear and innovative metrics that are integrated in its analyses which include: carbon footprint measurements, NEC scores, impact analysis, SDGs and ESG scoring. SWEN CP’s approach to engagement, reflected in its convictions, is a central axis of its responsible investment approach. This engagement is adapted according to each of its different investment strategies. SWEN CP developed an impact doctrine based on best market practices/standards which is applicqble to all its impact strategies. SWEN CAPITAL PARTNERS AREAS OF EXPERTISE 22, RUE VERNIER 75017 PARIS www.swen-cp.fr PRI SIGNATORY: YES (2008) QUALITATIVE DESCRIPTION OF THE ESG STRATEGY SWEN Capital Partners’ ESG strategy is detailed on its website through its sustainability and responsible investment policies. (https://www.swen-cp.fr/en/esg) SWEN CP recently strengthened its sustainability approach. Minimum threshold in terms of ESG, and specific guidelines for its engagement policy have been set in accordance with its ESG Markers : Environment, Value sharing, Connection to essential goods and services, Diversity. SWEN CP has been holding the “ESG Best Practices Honours” event each year since 2014 in order to promote ESG and responsible investment practices. The event gathered more than 450 people in 2020 (digital event). (www.esgbestpracticeshonours.com/). Private equity Private debt Infrastructure Primary investment Secondary transactions Direct investments Impact ESG TEAM ASSETS UNDER MANAGEMENT €6Bn CLIMATE SWEN CP is a signatory of the “Initiative Climat International” and a member of its Operational Committee in France. SWEN CP annually measures the carbon footprint of its funds. Since 2017, SWEN CP has been allocating a fraction of its resources to “green assets” and applies a coal exclusion policy. SWEN CP is a funding member of The NECi (Net Environmental Contribution Initiative, https://nec-initiative.org/) a collaborative platform that proposes the NEC metric as a new way to measure the environmental impact of economic activities. Julie OLIVIER ESG Direct & Impact Manager. Renaud SERRE-LAPERGUE ESG Multy-Strategy Manager. Isabelle COMBAREL Deputy CEO, Head of Business Development and of ESG. © PHOTOS : DR Contact: icombarel@swen-cp.fr - Contact: rserre-lapergue@swen-cp.fr - Contact: jolivier@swen-cp.fr Phone: +33 (0)1 40 68 17 17 READ THE ESG POLICY LETCV REPORT READ THE 2020/2021 EDITION CFNEWS DIGITAL PUBLICATIONS - ANNUAIRE ESG 2021/2022CFNEWS DIGITAL PUBLICATIONS - ANNUAIRE ESG 2021/2022 DOWNLOAD THE FILE ESG TEAM TIKEHAU CAPITAL AREAS OF EXPERTISE 32 RUE DE MONCEAU 75008 PARIS www.tikehaucapital.com PRI SIGNATORY: YES (2014) Private debt Real assets Private equity Capital Markets strategies ASSETS UNDER MANAGEMENT €29,4Bn as at 03/31/2021 Contact: lvillepelet@tikehaucapital.com Phone: +33 (0)1 40 06 26 24 Contact: nmillan@tikehaucapital.com Phone: +33 (0)1 40 06 11 56 © PHOTOS : DR Laure VILLEPELET ESG/CSR Director, Tikehau Capital. Nathalia MILLAN ESG Manager, Tikehau Capital. Pierre ABADIE Co-Head Energy Transition practice, Tikehau Capital. Geoffroy RENARD General Counsel, Tikehau Capital. ESG ALL THROUGHOUT THE LIFE SPAN OF INVESTMENTS ESG, CLIMATE AND IMPACT STRATEGIES At Tikehau Capital, the ESG policy is embedded in the investment strategy and covers all the Group’s activities through four main pillars: exclusions, ESG integration, engagement and impact & sustainability-themed investments. Each investment opportunity is subject to an in-depth assessment of economic, financial, ESG and operational criteria. In 2020, to take ESG integration further, the private debt team began introducing ESG ratchets in the transactions it structures, positioning the Group as a pioneer. Annual ESG assessments are conducted with the objective of co-defining and monitoring sustainability roadmaps with portfolio companies. This support is systematically provided to all new companies in the private equity activity and offered to private debt companies. The private equity companies receive support regarding their carbon footprint or life cycle assessments. Tikehau Capital commissioned Trucost, a leading environmental expert, to carry out carbon assessments of liquid, private debt and real assets investments. Tikehau Capital has developed a platform dedicated to impact and thematic investment covering four main topics that are at the core of the post-covid economic recovery: the fight against climate change, social inclusion, innovation and healthcare. The T2 Energy Transition fund and the Tikehau Impact Lending fund (at the investment stage) have the dual intention to deliver financial performance and measurable impact on non-financial criteria. A third impact product is currently under development within the capital markets strategies business line, and the Group will launch a private equity decarbonisation fund focused on North America. The traditional ESG approach is reinforced through both an impact measurement framework and tailored support to portfolio companies. In this dual intention framework, ESG criteria are key for the achievement of the investment’s business plan. The ESG Committee provides strategic ESG priorities and ensures the integration of the sustainability strategy at all levels of the organisation. Two of the members of the Committee actively participate in the development of the impact and climate platform: Mathieu Chabran, Co-Founder of Tikehau Capital, and Pierre Abadie, Co-Head of the Energy Transition practice. The ESG team comprises three employees fully dedicated to the implementation of the ESG strategy, ESG representatives are nominated for each business line and the investment analysts and fund managers are responsible for ESG integration and engagement. Some of the milestones that demonstrate Tikehau Capital’s commitment towards sustainability include the fundraising of over €1bn for the T2 Energy Transition fund, the launch and development of several impact investing funds, the ESG/SRI/Relance labelling of 20 funds (private debt, fixed income and listed equity), the highest score (A+) for the UN PRI strategy and governance module, as well as excellent ESG risk ratings provided by Sustainalytics and Vigeo Eiris. READ THE 2020/2021 EDITION CFNEWS DIGITAL PUBLICATIONS - ANNUAIRE ESG 2021/2022CONTACT : abo@cfnews.net 3 SITES D’ACTUALITÉ ET DE BASES DE DONNÉES DÉDIÉS AUX OPÉRATIONS CAPITALISTIQUES ET À LEURS INTERVENANTS . Vous êtes une entreprise ou un acteur clé de l’écosystème corporate, immobilier, infrastructure. Vous cherchez de l’information financière couplée à des bases de données mises à jour en temps réel. CFNEWS est votre outil de travail. 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