< PreviousESG BOOK 2024/2025 I CFNEWS DIGITAL PUBLICATIONS Hélène MARTIN Responsable ESG et communication ÉQUIPE ESG hmartin@unexo.fr 7 BIS BOULEVARD DE LA TOUR D’AUVERGNE C.S 86505 35065 RENNES CEDEX www.unexo.fr EXPERTISES LBO Capital-développement Private Debt Venture VERTICALES SECTORIELLES PRIORITAIRES Tout secteur (tous secteurs hors exclusions sectorielles) INITIATIVES Label France Relance (2020) Charte Parité (2020) Charte sur le partage de la valeur (2023) *données au 31/12/2023 DESCRIPTION QUALITATIVE UNEXO GESTION Notre stratégie ESG, d’investisseur minoritaire, est fondée sur l’engagement et le dialogue actionnarial pour favoriser la mise en place ou l’accélération d’une démarche RSE. Nous nous engageons dans une démarche de progrès visant à accompagner nos sociétés en portefeuille vers la prise en compte de la RSE dans leur gou- vernance et décisions opérationnelles. UNEXO Gestion a formalisé cette démarche d’investissement responsable dans une charte décrivant la prise en compte des risques en matière de dura- bilité au travers de l’analyse de critères ESG dans l’ensemble du cycle d’inves- tissement et de suivi des participations. Cette démarche ESG s’applique à l’ensemble des fonds gérés par UNEXO Ges- tion, soit un fonds de capital investissement dont une activité de capital inno- vation, un fonds de dette privée et un fonds mezzanine pour un encours total de 531 millions d’euros géré en 2023. Notre démarche se traduit d’une part, par la volonté de guider les entreprises de nos portefeuilles vers des modèles économiques durables, et d’autre part, à travers une stratégie ESG appliquée aux investissements. Les risques en matière de durabilité sont intégrés dans le processus de prise de décision en matière d’investissement et à toutes les étapes de la vie des participations d’UNEXO Gestion : Exclusions et politiques sectorielles Grille d’analyse ESG Clause ESG Revue ESG Nous mettons également un point d’honneur à former nos collaborateurs aux évolutions réglementaires, à les sensibiliser aux pratiques de marché et à développer une culture RSE. Notre gouvernance accompagne ce positionnement notamment au travers de notre Comité ESG, composé de 7 membres, principaux décisionnaires de la société de gestion, qui a pour mission de revoir et d’améliorer de façon conti- nue la stratégie et la politique ESG d’UNEXO Gestion. TÉLÉCHARGEZ LA FICHE COMPLÈTE ACTIFS SOUS GESTION 531 M€ *ESG BOOK 2024/2025 I CFNEWS DIGITAL PUBLICATIONS Le pourcentage d’actifs durables détenus en portefeuille est-il mesuré ? GOUVERNANCE ESG CLIMAT SOCIAL 27 Personnes COMITÉ ESGCOLLABORATEURS 7 Personnes 1 Responsable ESG Êtes-vous engagé dans une trajectoire Net Zero pour vos participations en portefeuille ? Évaluez-vous l’empreinte carbone de vos participations y compris sur le scope 3 ? Intégration d’objectifs ESG dans la rémunération variable des équipes d’investissement ? Le responsable ESG fait-il partie du Comité d’Investissement ? UNEXO GESTION ESG BOOK 2024/2025 ARTICLE 6 3 FONDS ARTICLE 8 1 FONDS Intégration d’objectifs ESG dans la rémunération des dirigeants du portefeuille ? Mettez-vous en place le dispositif de partage de la valeur France Invest au sein de vos participations ? MAJORITAIREOCCASIONNELLE JAMAISSYSTÉMATIQUE MEMBRES DU COMEX 0 Femme 26 % 1 fonds en cours de levée 3,7 % En 2023, un mécanisme d’intéressement a été mis en place, lorsque nous étions actionnaire, au sein de 37,5% de nos participations cédées. Nous réalisons annuellement depuis deux ans le calcul de l’empreinte carbone de nos participa- tions en utilisant les données de bilan carbone (scopes 1, 2 et 3) publiées par celles-ci ou en les estimant lorsque l’information n’est pas disponible La responsable ESG assiste aux comités précédant le Comité d’Investissement et peut délivrer un avis consultatif. UNEXO Gestion poursuit ses réflexions de définition d’une stratégie climat et étudie les différentes méthodologies externes de décarbonation développées sur le marché qui pourraient être adaptées à une position d’actionnaire minoritaire. ACTIFS SOUS GESTION *données au 31/12/2023 M€ 531 * UNEXO Capital (capital investissement y compris l’activité capital innovation) 370M€ de capacité d’investissement UNEXO Financement (dette privée) 250 M€ de capacité d’investissement UNEXO Mezzanine (dette mezzanine) 50 M€ de capacité d’investissement Quelle est la fréquence de mise en place de Sustainability Linked Loans sur les opérations ? Nous proposons lors de nos opérations de fonds de dette la mise en place de critères ESG afin d’accompagner les PME et ETI que nous finançons. Leur mise en place fait l’objet de discussion avec les équipes dirigeantes.ESG BOOK 2024/2025 I CFNEWS DIGITAL PUBLICATIONS ASSETS UNDER MANAGEMENT François BARBIER Managing Partner, CEO Julien GAUTIER Sustainability Officer ESG TEAM f.barbier@21investfrance.com +33 (0)1 56 88 33 00 j.gautier@21investfrance.com +33 (0)1 56 88 33 24 Adress www.21invest.com AREAS OF EXPERTISE LBO PRIORITY VERTICAL SECTORS Tech/Software Healthcare Business Services Education INITIATIVES PRI (2009) Shared Value Initiative (2016) iCI (2016) France Invest Parity Charter (2020) *as of June 30, 2024 QUALITATIVE DESCRIPTION 21 INVEST Responsible investment has been part of the DNA of 21 Invest France for more than 15 years now and is today an essential element of its value creation stra- tegy. By supporting the management teams of French SMEs in a new stage of their development, 21 Invest France ensures that significant sustainability criteria are integrated into the value creation strategy of each portfolio company. In addition to the usual constituent elements of the ESG policy such as the ex- clusion list or pre-investment due diligence, 21 Invest France focuses its efforts on continuous improvement and operational actions. Our approach consists of supporting our portfolio companies, mainly primary transactions, in the first stages of their sustainability approach and sometimes up to the implementation of advanced or impact initiatives. 21 Invest provides a standardized and complete analysis framework including a simplified dual materiality analysis and annual reporting integrating the main benchmarks (SDGs, TCFD, CSRD, SASB, etc.), all supplemented by turnkey guides and mo- dels. More than a monitoring and reporting tool, data collection is for us an essen- tial cog in our ESG strategy, allowing us to define and follow a dedicated ac- tion plan. 21 Invest France establishes an annual report for each of its portfolio companies, and thus strives to quantify thanks to key performance indicators the impacts of the sustainability approach. 21 Invest France thus participates in the establishment of leading companies in their markets and actively disseminates best practices in sustainability wit- hin innovative and fast-growing ecosystems. € 700M* DOWNLOAD THE FILEESG BOOK 2024/2025 I CFNEWS DIGITAL PUBLICATIONS Is the percentage of sustainable assets held in the portfolio measured? CLIMAT SOCIAL Integrating ESG objectives into the remuneration of portfolio managers? Are you committed to a Net Zero trajectory for yourself and your portfolio holdings? Do you assess the carbon footprint of your holdings, including scope 3? Integrating ESG objectives into the variable remuneration of investment teams? Is the ESG manager a member of the Investment Committee? How often are Sustainability Linked Loans implemented on operations? We support several positive impact companies whose products and services address social and environmental issues OCCASIONAL 21 INVEST ESG BOOK 2024/2025 ARTICLE 6 FUNDS ARTICLE 8 FUNDS to 2050 ESG GOVERNANCE 19 People SUSTAINABILITY TEAMCOMEX MEMBERSEMPLOYEES 1 Member 1 Women 20 % 5 % 21 Centrale Partners V size : € 230M 21 Invest France VI size : € 250/300M fundraising in progresss 21 Rhodium size : € 220M Are you implementing the France Invest value-sharing scheme within your holdings? SYSTEMATICMAJORITYOCCASIONAL NEVER ASSETS UNDER MANAGEMENT *as of June 30, 2024 € M 700 *ESG BOOK 2024/2025 I CFNEWS DIGITAL PUBLICATIONS ASSETS UNDER MANAGEMENT 1 Md€ * Lorna LUCET Head of ESG ESG TEAM lorna.lucet@amundi.com + 33 (0)1 76 32 57 31 91-93, BOULEVARD PASTEUR 75015 PARIS www.actifs-reels.amundi.fr AREAS OF EXPERTISE LBO Capital-développement Impact PRIORITY VERTICAL SECTORS All sector INITIATIVES PRI ICI Climate Action 100+ France Invest Sustainaibility Commissions (2020)QUALITATIVE DESCRIPTION AMUNDI PRIVATE EQUITY FUNDS Our ESG approach is characterized by the integration of environmental, social and governance issues throughout the investment. As the ESG Director, I par- ticipate actively in the review of the deal flow every week in order to assess the ESG quality of potential deals and to identify ESG risks and opportunities very early on. Before each investment, an ESG due diligence is carried out to identify ESG risks and assess the company’s CSR maturity. The result of the ESG due diligence, the rating and the qualitative information are systematically pres- ented by the ESG team to the Investment committee. If the ESG due diligence reports excessive risks, the ESG team exercises its veto right even if the finan- cial, legal, social and fiscal and strategy due diligences have not detected any blocking points for the investment. Once the investment has been made and thanks to the results of the due diligence, I define a CSR strategy with the company, which must be valida- ted and followed up by the Supervisory Board (or equivalent) regularly. We set ourselves the goal of supporting companies in understanding their ESG issues, in redu- cing their negative impacts and in implementing a resilient business-model *as of Dec 31, 2023 READ THE 2023/2024 VERSION READ THE ESG CHARTER DOWNLOAD THE FILEESG BOOK 2024/2025 I CFNEWS DIGITAL PUBLICATIONS ESG GOVERNANCE SOCIAL 41 employees * ESG AND CLIMATE COMMITTEE COMEX MEMBERSEMPLOYEES 1 person Integrating ESG objectives into the remuneration of portfolio managers? Integrating ESG objectives into the variable remuneration of investment teams? Is the ESG manager a member of the Investment Committee? AMUNDI PRIVATE EQUITY FUNDS ESG BOOK 2024/2025 2 % ,5 29% for the Investment Committee NA as Executive Committee 12% as a Partner in the Investment team 0% as a Director of Investment 12% as a chargé d’affaires 50% for the back-office NA for others 31 % Is the percentage of sustainable assets held in the portfolio measured? CLIMATE Are you committed to a Net Zero trajectory for yourself and your portfolio holdings? Do you assess the carbon footprint of your holdings, including scope 3 ? ARTICLE 6 6 FUNDS ARTICLE 8 4 FUNDS Md€ 1 * We aim for 1000% or our investees to have a carbon footprint by 2025 and to launch a Net-Zero fund by 2025. *Investment committee + investment team + back-office + other 36 % *for the funds classified as art.8. Internal guidelines * with sustainable asset share commitment *as of Dec 31, 2023 FPCI Amundi ETI Mégatendances : 28 M€ FPCI CAA ETI Mégatendances : 10 M€ FPCI LCL ETI Mégatendances : 22,5 M€ FCPR Amundi Mégatendances : 7,3 M€ FCPR Amundi Mégatendances AV : 18 M€ FCPR Amundi Mégatendances PME/ETI : 12,4 M€ FPCI Amundi ETI Mégatendances II : 120,5 M€ FCPR Amundi Mégatendances II : 24,5 M€ FCPR Amundi Private Equity Mégatendances II : 57 M€ FCPR Amundi Fleurons des Territories : 71,5 M€ ASSETS UNDER MANAGEMENT Are you implementing the France Invest value-sharing scheme within your holdings? SYSTEMATICMAJORITYOCCASIONAL NEVERESG BOOK 2024/2025 I CFNEWS DIGITAL PUBLICATIONS SUSTAINABILITY TEAM 20, PLACE VENDÔME 75001 PARIS www.ardian.com QUALITATIVE DESCRIPTION ARDIAN ESG is an integral part of Ardian’s investment approach, which is why we have defined three main priorities: CLIMATE TRANSITION: Ardian’s climate strategy is a five-year action plan at the Group level, coordinated across all investment strategies and corporate activities. The strategy builds on existing market frameworks and contributes to the global objective of the Paris Agreement. It is based on two pillars: - Supporting portfolio and companies’ long term value creation through systematic cli- mate risk management for all funds in addition to science-based emissions reduction targets for controlling investments. - Financing the solutions to the climate transition through new opportunities, in ma- ture and emerging clean technologies as well as in nature-based solutions. This strategy has been formalized by leveraging Ardian’s unique active ownership, ha- ving supported portfolio companies in defining climate plans since 2015. MESURABLE IMPACT AND VALUE CREATION: Improving our team’s skills: in 2023, as part of its commitment to acting on climate change, the Sustainability team has organized dedicated training sessions for all Ardian employees. These sessions have enabled employees to understand the causes and consequences of climate change and to think collectively about solutions. The Ardian Climate Tour has trained 560 employees across 10 offices. Tailored ESG roadmaps: we engage actively with the management teams of our portfo- lio companies to set up individual ESG roadmaps, with deadlines and targets. Engaging with our GPs on ESG: for the Secondaries & Primaries business, we survey the managers of the underlying funds each year, to assess their level of ESG expertise. Ardian Circle: a community of executives and decision-makers from Ardian portfolio companies who come together for workshops on sustainable transformation issues. FAIRER SOCIETY: Inclusion and diversity: 72% of our portfolio GPs have a proactive D&I program or policy. We have set the target to increase the share of women in manager positions by 20% during holding period in our Buyout portfolio companies. At Ardian level, we have set the target to reach 40% of women in investment teams by 2030. Value sharing: at Ardian we have been sharing part of our gains from success¬ful exits since 2008 and has since redistributed it to over 33,000 employees in 46 companies. Ardian Foundation: promote social mobility by supporting associations that offer edu- cational opportunities to children from disadvantaged backgrounds. ASSETS UNDER MANAGEMENT $ 166Bn AREAS OF EXPERTISE Private Equity Real Assets Credit PRIORITY VERTICAL SECTORS Energy Renewables Technology, media, telecom Industrials Food and ingredients Healthcare and life sciences Consumer goods and services Financial services Business services E-commerce Software Transport Aerospace & defense Education Office complexes January 2024 SEE THE ENTIRE TEAM READ THE 2023/2024 VERSION READ THE ESG CHARTER DOWNLOAD THE FILE INITIATIVES UNPRI Investor Leadership Network (ILN) Initiative Climate International OPPEF TCFD Organization for Biodiversity Certificates (OBC) ESG Data Convergence Initiative Ownership Works France Invest Value Sharing Charter of Commitment ILPA’s Diversity in Action initiative Level 20 France Invest Gender Diversity Charter Out InvestorsESG BOOK 2024/2025 I CFNEWS DIGITAL PUBLICATIONS ESG GOVERNANCE SOCIAL 1 065+ People ESG AND CLIMATE COMMITTEE COMEX MEMBERS EMPLOYEES 13 Members 3 Women 1 % Are you implementing the France Invest value-sharing scheme within your holdings? SYSTEMATICMAJORITYOCCASIONAL NEVER ARDIAN ESG BOOK 2024/2025 *as of January 2024 Integrating ESG objectives into the remuneration of portfolio managers? Integrating ESG objectives into the variable remuneration of investment teams? Is the ESG manager a member of the Investment Committee? Is the percentage of sustainable assets held in the portfolio measured? CLIMATE Are you committed to a Net Zero trajectory for yourself and your portfolio holdings? Do you assess the carbon footprint of your holdings, including scope 3 ? ASSETS UNDER MANAGEMENT ARTICLE 6 4 FUNDS ARTICLE 8 11 FUNDS ARTICLE 8 2 FUNDS ARTICLE 9 5 FUNDS with sustainable asset share commitment Bn 166 * $ How often are Sustainability Linked Loans implemented on operations? European Union Green Taxonomy Ardian calculates its sustainable assets percentage for its Article 9 and Article 8 funds with sustainable assets commitment OCCASIONAL 20 %Next >