< PreviousCFNEWS DIGITAL PUBLICATIONS - ANNUAIRE ESG 2019/2020 DOWNLOAD THE FILE CFNEWS DIGITAL PUBLICATIONS - ANNUAIRE ESG 2019/2020 READ THE ESG CHARTER ESG TEAM LBO FRANCE AREAS OF EXPERTISE Marc GUYOT Head of ESG. 148, RUE DE L’UNIVERSITÉ 75007 PARIS www.lbofrance.com PRI SIGNATORY: YES (2011) Contact: marc.guyot@lbofrance.com Phone: + 33 (0)1 40 62 77 67 Small-cap LBO Mid-Market LBO Real Estate Debt Venture Capital ASSETS UNDER MANAGEMENT 3 €2,9Bn © PHOTO : DR ESG DUE DILIGENCES DURING THE INVESTMENT PROCESS AND VDD ESG SUPPORT TO PORTFOLIO COMPANIES QUALITATIVE DESCRIPTION OF THE ESG STRATEGY LBO France performs an ESG due diligence prior to each investment. The due diligence is specified on a case by case basis. Because of its very operational approach, also for impact and post-closing reasons (road-map/dashboard) it is conducted by the head of ESG (an investment professional) assisted by independent consultants. Save for exceptions due to a specific context, LBO France has ESG Vendor Due Diligences conducted by independent consultants for each sale of a portfolio company. LBO France conducts an ESG review together with the management and possibly external consultants on a regular basis. This results in an extensive action plan/dashboard which is common between LBO France and the management and regularly updated and monitored. Early 2017, LBO France launched an operational ESG club, which allows the managers of portfolio companies to share current events, reflections, as well as good practices with the presence of experts when required. LBO France drafted an ESG charter in 2011, updated in 2017. Among other principles, It provides exclusions. ESG clauses are inserted in the agreements with portfolio company managers. All LBO France employees receive training in ESG and then follow courses specific to their business lines and regularly attend conferences. They have all signed the Company’s Code of Ethics. An ESG section and ESG qualitative and quantitative data on the various portfolio companies are included in the management reports to investors. LBO France will issue a specific report in 2019. Marc Guyot is a member of the steering committee of the France Invest ESG Commission and represents LBO France in the Business Ethics Circle (“Cercle Ethique des Affaires”) and the European Business Ethics Forum. LBO France thereby takes active part in the events, discussions and publications of these three bodies, and will be a speaker soon at CHAM International heath Convention. In 2017 and 2018, the management company was sponsor of the Innovation Award for the best business project conducted by students on the Imagine Bioentrepreneurs master’s course created by the Fondation Imagine, University Paris-Descartes, Ecole Polytechnique and HEC Paris and is currently working on next program with these institutions. LBO France won the ESG-Sustainable Development Award at the 2017 and 2018 Private Equity Magazine Awards. . CLIMATE LBO France is a founding member of the “Initiative Climat 2020” (IC20) launched in November 2015, in favour of a responsible and transparent management of gas emissions for greenhouse effect. The management company has produced its own carbon footprint assessment and monitors its action plan. In its Real Estate activity, LBO France signed the energy efficiency charter for public and private commercial buildings under the “Plan Bâtiment Durable” (sustainable building plan) in October 2016. READ THE 2017 EDITION TÉLÉCHARGEZ LA FICHE CFNEWS DIGITAL PUBLICATIONS - ANNUAIRE ESG 2019/2020CFNEWS DIGITAL PUBLICATIONS - ANNUAIRE ESG 2019/2020CFNEWS DIGITAL PUBLICATIONS - ANNUAIRE ESG 2019/2020CFNEWS DIGITAL PUBLICATIONS - ANNUAIRE ESG 2019/2020 DOWNLOAD THE FILE CFNEWS DIGITAL PUBLICATIONS - ANNUAIRE ESG 2019/2020 NAXICAP PARTNERS ESG DUE DILIGENCES DURING THE INVESTMENT PROCESS AND VDD ESG SUPPORT TO PORTFOLIO COMPANIES CLIMATE QUALITATIVE DESCRIPTION OF THE ESG STRATEGY AREAS OF EXPERTISE Since 2015, the teams highlight the main ESG risks and opportunities prior to each investment. As signatory of iC20, each investment memorandum includes a dedicated climate analysis. ESG due diligences are systematically carried out by external experts and include a detailed action plan for the short and long term. Naxicap systematically carries out feedback meetings with the management teams post-audit. An ESG clause is systematically included in the Shareholders Agreement. When signing the Shareholders Agreement, companies commit to implement a detailed action plan, to inform regularly the Supervisory Board on their actions and to annually report on ESG indicators. Since 2017, ESG vendor due diligences are conducted for all investments where a financial vendor due diligence has been undertaken. Naxicap uses an online ESG reporting tool to monitor annually its portfolio companies on ca. 120 ESG indicators. The actions implemented by the companies are discussed and evaluated at least once a year during a Supervisory Board. As a signatory of the iC20 (October 2016), Naxicap aims at progressively reducing the greenhouse gas emissions of its investments. Naxicap has assessed the carbon footprint of its management company in 2017. In 2018, Naxicap added indicators to its annual ESG questionnaire enabling to estimate the scope 1 & 2 GHG emissions of its portfolio companies. Naxicap seeks to disclose the carbon footprint of its portfolio companies for which greenhouse gas emissions represent a material issue. 5/7 RUE DE MONTTESSUY 75007 PARIS www.naxicap.fr PRI SIGNATORY: YES (2016) Naxicap considers that a long-term and ethical approach to investment is a key driver of the companies’ expansion and is generator of value. Since 2015, Naxicap has adopted a set of procedures, whose application is controlled by its middle Office, aiming to integrate the consideration of ESG issues throughout the investment process. Naxicap’s investment teams work with the management teams to identify the material ESG issues and to support the development of its ESG roadmap. Naxicap organizes ESG trainings for its employees led by its ESG team and external experts. Naxicap has published its ESG charter and produces annually ESG reports for its Investors. Contact: elodie.pavot@naxicap.fr Contact: kyrrejohan.knudsen@naxicap.fr Phone: +33 (0)1 84 79 72 34 LBO mid cap Growth capital ESG TEAM Elodie PAVOT Investor Relations Associate. Kyrre Johan KNUDSEN ESG Analyst. © PHOTOS : DR ASSETS UNDER MANAGEMENT €3.1Bn READ THE 2018 EDITION CFNEWS DIGITAL PUBLICATIONS - ANNUAIRE ESG 2019/2020CFNEWS DIGITAL PUBLICATIONS - ANNUAIRE ESG 2019/2020 www.naxicap.fr Photos: Romolo Tavani, Fastrum, GettyImages. Entrepreneurs en capital Naxicap Partners is deeply convinced by the positive impact of the sustainable growth of its portfolio companies. We consider that a long-term and ethical approach to investment is a key driver of the companies’ expansion and is generator of value. Naxicap Partners highly values and encourages business initiatives for reducing environmental impact, improving internal processes in order to reduce operational risks and implementing actions in favor of balanced governance. We are committed to sustain responsible initiatives by working with our staff, our investors, our portfolio companies and their employees. Naxicap Partners, subsidiary of Natixis Investment Management, has € 3.1 billion of assets under management and gathers 61 professionals, spread over 5 offices: Paris, Lyon, Nantes, Toulouse and Frankfurt. We operate in France, Benelux, Germany and Spain. Naxicap Partners is a French private equity firm, operating in all sectors, focusing on majority LBO operations with an investment horizon between 5 and 7 years. We invest in growing companies, with strong and committed management, to finance ambitious development projects. Together with the management teams, we invest in a long-term business strategy based on trust and respect. OWN BEHALF (BPCE Group) 33% THIRD PARTIES 67% Signatory of: Data as of 31/12/2018 OUR INVESTORS CFNEWS DIGITAL PUBLICATIONS - ANNUAIRE ESG 2019/2020 DOWNLOAD THE FILE CFNEWS DIGITAL PUBLICATIONS - ANNUAIRE ESG 2019/2020 AREAS OF EXPERTISE 37-41, RUE DU ROCHER 75008 PARIS www.omnescapital.com PRI SIGNATORY: YES (2009) Venture Capital Buyout & Growth Capital Infrastructure ASSETS UNDER MANAGEMENT OMNES ESG DUE DILIGENCES DURING THE INVESTMENT PROCESS AND VDD CLIMATE ESG SUPPORT TO PORTFOLIO COMPANIES QUALITATIVE DESCRIPTION OF THE ESG STRATEGY ESG criteria form an integral part of the due diligence carried out during the analysis process that precedes any decision to invest. For the renewable energy infrastructure projects, the ESG analysis is carried out internally while it is outsourced for buyout and growth capital investment. In each shareholders’ agreement, Omnes integrates an ESG clause. When exiting a company, an ESG vendor due diligence may be carried out by an independent third party. Omnes analyses the results recorded throughout the holding period and their potential impacts on value creation. Omnes expanded its investment strategy in the energy transition, with the launch of a “Green Building” department in October 2016. A €120m fund dedicated to investments in high environmental performance public and private buildings has been raised. Omnes is a signatory of the Initiative Climat 2020 launched in November 2015. Under this initiative, Omnes integrates climate issues in the management of its portfolio companies. Each year: Investee companies fulfill an ESG questionnaire. Omnes monitors the roadmaps drawn up initially with the management of the portfolio companies. Omnes ESG practice is an integral part of its investment process and hands on support to investee companies. Each initial due diligence includes systematically an ESG component. The follow-up of ESG issues is then carried out through annual audits. They focus in particular on the progress made on the roadmap. At exit, an economic impact study is carried out. Omnes also seeks to bring these issues in the day to day management of portfolio companies: they are an integral part of sustainable value creation. ESG TEAM Contact: martine.sessincaracci@omnescapital.com Contact: gregoire.samain@omnescapital.com Phone: +33 (0)1 80 48 79 00 Martine SESSIN-CARACCI Managing Partner. Grégoire SAMAIN Account Manager. Investor Relations. © PHOTOS : DR €3.6Bn READ THE 2018 EDITION CFNEWS DIGITAL PUBLICATIONS - ANNUAIRE ESG 2019/2020CFNEWS DIGITAL PUBLICATIONS - ANNUAIRE ESG 2019/2020DOWNLOAD THE FILE CFNEWS DIGITAL PUBLICATIONS - ANNUAIRE ESG 2019/2020 PAI Partners provides an ESG VDD in the Data Room including an updated action plan, a progress report, and documents linked to ESG transmitted by the company during the holding period. When relevant, the VDD may be performed by external consultants. ESG VENDOR DUE DILIGENCES 232, RUE DE RIVOLI 75001 PARIS www.paipartners.com PRI SIGNATORY: YES (2010) PAI PARTNERS ESG DUE DILIGENCES DURING THE INVESTMENT PROCESS ESG SUPPORT TO PORTFOLIO COMPANIES QUALITATIVE DESCRIPTION OF THE ESG STRATEGY CLIMATE The ESG team systematically performs ESG-specific due diligences on all potential investments, from the very beginning of the investment process. The result is presented to the Investment Commitee through an ESG memo. The analysis is done hand-in-hand with the investment team, and external consultants when relevant. Once the investment has been made, PAI Partners conducts an ESG audit and draws up a targeted ESG action plan with the help of external consultants. PAI Partners uses two tools to implement and monitor the ESG strategy. First, it makes customised recommendations, a set of priority measures to be implemented by portfolio companies according to their level of ESG implementation and risk exposure. In addition, companies complete a detailed annual ESG questionnaire (154 indicators), to assess progress over time, to identify ESG key issues as they arise, and to submit new recommendations. Since 2011, PAI meets with the sustainability managers of portfolio companies in person at least twice a year, at the PAI Sustainability Club. The 15th was organized in December 2018. PAI Partners has been conducting ESG portfolio reviews since 2011. Since 2014, PAI Partners publishes an ESG annual review with the support of a dedicated ESG team: in 2018, the review Impact was published with a focus on cyber-security and diversity. Since 2017, PAI Partners organizes once a year an «ESG Lab» during its Investor Days, in order to discuss and share views with its investors on responsible investment. ESG TEAM Contact: cornelia.gomez@paipartners.com Contact: thomas.carlier@paipartners.com Phone: +33 (0)1 43 16 63 00 Cornelia GOMEZ Head of ESG & Sustainability. Thomas CARLIER ESG Analyst. © PHOTOS : DR PAI Partners is one of the five founders of “Initiative Carbone 2020” launched in November 2015. Every year PAI Partners assesses the carbon footprint of all its investments, taking into account direct and indirect emissions (scope 1,2 and 3). AREAS OF EXPERTISE LBO ASSETS UNDER MANAGEMENT €13,4Bn READ THE REPORT CFNEWS DIGITAL PUBLICATIONS - ANNUAIRE ESG 2019/2020CFNEWS DIGITAL PUBLICATIONS - ANNUAIRE ESG 2019/2020DOWNLOAD THE FILE CFNEWS DIGITAL PUBLICATIONS - ANNUAIRE ESG 2019/2020 49 - 51 AVENUE GEORGE V 75008 PARIS www.sagard.com SAGARD AREAS OF EXPERTISE PRI SIGNATORY: NO ESG DUE DILIGENCES DURING THE INVESTMENT PROCESS ESG SUPPORT TO PORTFOLIO COMPANIES ESG VENDOR DUE DILIGENCES QUALITATIVE DESCRIPTION OF THE ESG STRATEGY Sagard is prohibited from investing in certain business segments in accordance with the investment policy defined with its investors. In the acquisition phase, Sagard uses an ESG expert to determine whether ESG due diligence should be performed pre or post acquisition due diligence. ESG due diligence must cover four main objectives: Assessment of the ESG context specific to the sector in which the target company operates; Identification of priority ESG issues specific to the target company; Evaluating the company’s ESG performance on each of the priority issues; The construction of an action plan to be implemented post-acquisition. Sagard supports its investments by ensuring an annual follow-up of the action plan identified in consultation with the management during the acquisition phase and so monitors how it is being implemented. Sagard conducts an ESG VDD, when relevant, in order to document ESG issues, initiatives and progress with the following objectives: Highlight the initiatives put in place to manage material ESG issues; Promote the commitment of management and the process of continuous improvement. Environmental, human resources management and governance commitments are integrated into all internal and external initiatives undertaken by Sagard. Sagard considers ESG issues throughout the investment cycle to contribute to value creation for each of its holdings and to encourage them to act in an economically, environmentally and socially responsible manner. Capital development Mid Market ESG TEAM Mariane LE BOURDIEC General Secretary. Jocelyn LEFEBVRE President. © PHOTOS : DR ASSETS UNDER MANAGEMENT €1,5Bn CLIMATE Sagard joined the 2020 Climate Initiative (IC20) in 2017. Contact: mariane.lebourdiec@sagard.com / Phone : +33 (0)1 53 83 30 00 READ THE 2018 EDITION CFNEWS DIGITAL PUBLICATIONS - ANNUAIRE ESG 2019/2020CFNEWS DIGITAL PUBLICATIONS - ANNUAIRE ESG 2019/2020Next >